Frequently Asked Questions

Which payment methods are accepted?

We use PayFast as a secure payment method for your peace of mind. Most credit/debit cards are accepted forms of payment.

When will my order be in the shipping stage?

After the payment process, we will begin to ship your order.

Orders made before 11am will be couriered on the same day.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

The order will be delivered within 3 to 5 working days (depending on your distance from our warehouse)

Where are you based?

We are based in Randburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng province.

What is the cost of shipping?

We currently run on a flat rate of R80.00 per order regardless of the number of products.

How do I track my order?

Your tracking number will be sent as soon as payment is received and the order is shipped from our warehouse.

Do you offer express shipping?

We are currently working on an express shipping option that is fair to you in price.

Do you sell products across South Africa?

We do ship to all regions in SA.

Do you have a physical store?

We currently are an online operation selling through the Takealot platform and the current site (at much better prices).

Do you ship internationally?

Currently we only provide our products and services in SA.

Can I return a product/products purchased from your store for any reason?

According to the Electronic Communication and Transactions Act, you as a consumer are entitled to a general right to return for seven days after delivery, for any reason without penalty.

What do I do if my product is not functioning on arrival?

In this rare instance, we will gladly replace your item with a brand new one and cover the costs involved in shipping.

What do I do if I have received products that differ from my order?

We will gladly rectify this error and cover the shipping costs.

How long is my product covered by guarantee?

All products have a minimum of 1 year cover. Contact us for any issues, complaints, or compliments via email at info@premiumie.co.za or 0832221921.